Plague Inc: Scenario Creator

Download Plague Inc: Scenario Creator free on android

Minimum Android: Android 4.1
Latest Version: 1.2.6
Category: Tools
Last Updated: December 9, 2023
Viewed: 712
1 stars
Plague Inc: Scenario Creator - an excellent utility, considered a great addition to the most famous mobile toy, which tells about the epidemics of various diseases on the planet Earth. Using this wonderful android application, the user will have the opportunity to create his own extraordinary scenario of the lightning spread of any virus around the world, after which he will be able to test his brainchild in the game itself. An intuitive interface, an impressive range of features, a lot of useful settings and familiar graphics, all of the above can help you show your boundless imagination, as well as develop a new plan for the eradication of humanity.
Comments (1)
  1. Trần Nhật Khang
    Trần Nhật Khang 27 April 2023 09:49
    polymer VIP 10