HOT HEROES - fight and explore towers

Download HOT HEROES - fight and explore towers (MOD, Everything is open) free on android

Minimum Android: Android 6.0
Latest Version: 2.1.2
Category: Arcade
Last Updated: May 29, 2021
Reviewer: 194 Downloads
Price: 0$
1 stars
HOT HEROES - fight and explore towers - an arcade game made in pixel format, containing the freshest gameplay. The gamer will take on the role of a brave knight with extraordinary abilities, who can pass through any walls, thus defeating opponents. While overcoming the levels, the heroic character will have to climb up the stairs of a high tower, destroying clever foes along the way, while simultaneously collecting coins that can help with the purchase of all sorts of upgrades. The control system is made by several touch buttons that are responsible for straights and jumps.
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