Sweet Baby Girl Daycare 4 - Babysitting Fun

Download Sweet Baby Girl Daycare 4 - Babysitting Fun free on android

Minimum Android: Android 4.4
Latest Version: 2.0.10
Category: Family
Last Updated: March 25, 2019
Reviewer: 1 298 Downloads
Price: 0$
1 stars
Sweet Baby Girl Daycare 4 - This app is the exciting game for girls where they will need to act a babysitter for a little girl that dreams of being a beautiful princess. Each player will have different roles and responsibilities in the different phases of the game process.

There are four sweet little girls Chloe, Layla, Yukiko, and Emma. Your goal is to provide them with the needed care and protection. Have you ever tried to be a babysitter in a kindergarten? That's your time! The first to be done is to feed sweet little girls, bathe them, dress up newborn and that's all just a beginning of your babysitting adventures.

Complete all the levels to get amazing baby stickers.
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